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While we work hard to work and earn online, there are just some website that are illegitimate and would just waste our time and effort in earning. We don't want this, right? So here is a page to help you to sort out which websites we can trust and which we cannot.

Apparently, We haven't read any bad feedback and felt any bad experience using the website featured here. We will give you any update on any issues that we will encounter here in this page...

Scam Alert!!!

Scam Alert 1 updated 08/12/12

Website Name: EasyMoneyShares

Web address/ URL:

Info: Site offers to have the users invest for $1.50 and double the money up after a short period of time. they also offer 3000 free ads and 3000 free text ads that you can use along with your investment. They claim that as long as there are investors the program will run.


Feedback: Invested $1.50 and was able to double it up. Was able to use the ads credit and got $3.00 after 7 days without doing nothing. They offered some promos with regards to buying positions but after 2 days I wasn't able to access their website anymore. They do have a Facebook page [] and found out that they encountered some problems with their website. Apparently, no replies had been made for the angry investors and their site is inaccessible any longer since last week of July. I did not had a chance to withdraw my money as of today.


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